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Elvis (2022)

Showing Elvis’ childhood influences from black musicians in southern America was handled with respect and grace. It was truly beautiful to see who his inspiration came from and how he brought deserving attention to rock’n’roll.

I didn’t think I could have more respect for Elvis but seeing the moments when he rebelled against his manger and the small minded governors in the US - seeing him fight for something he believed in and loved was handled and performed with enlightenment and respect.

Tom Hanks brought a well rounded and utterly magnificent interpretation to Colonel Parker. I hated him, with a passion, his performance truly magnified his slimy persona and brought light to his dark, defiant and demanding hold on Elvis and his career.

Each era of Elvis’ life took place in a new decade, each era highlighted the change in his lifestyle and overall influence from his surroundings - the film encompassed the timeline very well and felt like reality.

I went into the film thinking Elvis was the King, I came out knowing he was a God. Elvis (2022) is one of the best renditions of music and performance I have ever seen - the best biopic I have ever seen. A graceful, respectful piece of cinema which highlights all the right moments of Elvis’ triumphant, yet isolated life and career. Baz Luhrmann invites us to an intimate Las Vegas show, as the house lights go up, we get to see a real glimpse of Elvis and a sneak peak into some of his darkest moments. Luhrmann poured passion, intimacy and talent into this feature and I could feel the admiration in every shot - nobody could have done it better. Every moment felt necessary and impactful, his lavish productions, over-the-top techniques, and emphasis on heightened reality only made Elvis (2022) more dazzling and an overall marvel.

If you couldn’t tell after ready that first paragraph - I adored Elvis before seeing this film and I know my opinion is going to be bias. I also know I wouldn’t rave about a film if it didn’t truly deserve it. Elvis (2022) is a spectacle, a masterpiece of cinema, with Austin Butler’s breathtaking marvel of performance alongside the stunning visuals my eyes couldn’t look away for a second, I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. The plot follows Elvis through the entirety of his career, from a young boy growing up in Memphis, to a Las Vegas headliner five years in a row. The film sees his rise to stardom and sheds light on the toxic relationship he had with his manager, a leech who sucked everything he could out of the performer until he had nothing left.

Austin Butler, where do I begin? Speaking as someone who thinks they know Elvis - he was Elvis, for two hours and thirty nine minutes I believed I was watching Elvis. He delivered a utterly magnifying and breathtaking performance, i thoughts he’d do well, I didn’t think he’d become Elvis. He embodied the star, he totally captured his essence and utilised every minor detail and movement. Seeing him on stage performing was especially moving, talking to the audience, joking with the front row and untimely singing beyond belief. Austin Butler has blown me away and I am truly moved by his performance, it is unforgettable - just like Elvis.

I can confidently say this film was exactly the experience I had hoped for, a dazzling cinematic experience from beginning to end. I was sceptical of the Colonel’s narration and his overarching presence in the film but it was vital to the plot, his overseeing eyes and telling of the story only magnified his control and power of Elvis. The story wasn’t able to expand and show us more because Elvis wasn’t able to. He was caged bird, capable of so much more but trapped. Tom Hanks alongside Austin Butler held a very good performance, the two had a brilliantly dysfunctional chemistry on screen, the relationship was strained and I could feel it throughout. One of the greatest biopics I have ever seen? Yes. One of the greatest acting performances I have ever seen? Yes. One of the greatest movies I have ever seen? Yes.

Luhrmann ending one of the best films I’ve ever seen with real clips of Elvis brought a lump to my throat - after watching such a beautifully tragic story of his life then seeing him was magical, and very touching. Overall, Elvis (2022) should be seen by everyone - if you like his music or not - this film is enlightening, powerful and completely moving. Watch it. You can’t regret it.


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