An insight into the lives of public figures Harry and Meghan, this series challenges the way they have been depicted in the media and targets the press for corrupting their lives and forcing them out of the royal family. This series is a catalyst, some viewers will enjoy seeing behind the scenes moments and some will simply watch to stay up to date with current affairs. Episode one is nurtured for primarily American audiences, viewing this series to learn a little more about the way Britain works and why Meghan was targeted from the very beginning.
This documentary shines light on their lives since leaving but episode one simply sets up all the narratives ready to explore over an unnecessary amount of episodes. Episode one references the late Queen, Diana and Harry's upbringing. Episode one is a divisive set up for the following episodes, it lays down the foundation of the exploitation, attack and corruption of the Royals whilst showing Harry and Meghan as a 'normal' couple through corny videos and exclusive moments.
Despite his name being first in the title, this is very much Meghan’s story and her chance to tell the truth. The series is angled as a tragedy, documentaries are usually bias in some form and this one uses all the right devices to tunnel the viewers thoughts to sympathise and empathise with Meghan and her journey. Some moments are strictly valid and she deserves to tell her side of the story but some may predict most viewers will find this documentary a surprise and a way to exploit people's undying love for gossip and controversy. Meghan has in no way 'deserved' the backlash and abuse she has received from the media and the public but audiences may find this response to be a knee jerk reaction and project her voice in a negative light as the couple appear to contradict their need and want for privacy and closure.