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Netflix's Blockbuster (2022) Is A Bust

Blockbuster (2022) is Netflix’s newest sit-com series which sees a group of unlikely friends trying keep the final blockbuster store up and running. With the rise in online viewing platforms Blockbuster struggles to stay afloat…

The meta commentary is incredibly ironic - watching a show about blockbuster on Netflix has not gone amiss, this is probably the funniest thing about this series. Aside from the irony this series is a miss, a total bust, it definitely had promise but barely delivered in comedy or charm. The series relied on some uncomfortable character choices and lacklustre writing which fell flat from the very beginning.

I will say, Randall Park and Melissa Fumero are hilarious and have proved this many times during other projects, I thought they helped the series move along but sadly couldn’t carry it on their shoulders alone. The cast all know how to do comedy but sadly Blockbuster didn’t have the jokes. Blockbuster had barely any jokes…

Film Probe came away from this series disappointed is was based in the present day. Personally, I think the whole concept should have been adapted for the 90s. Yes, the shows premise would completely change but with nostalgia being a primary target for this series, it had none. If it were basic in a time Blockbuster was thriving I think it could have saved this show and potentially educated some Gen Z on the good old days of DVD rental.

Sadly, this series does not get out approval. I expected it to be a period piece, taking us back in time to when Blockbuster was an institution, not a joke. Imagine if they tackled the rivalry between Blockbuster and Netflix in the late 90s? Genius! I expected a lot more heart from this series, it lacked in any emotional impact and solely tried to squeeze laughs out of every moment which instead evoked silence on my end.

Blockbuster is nostalgic, it’s iconic and it was truly special, this series almost turns it into a joke which I found to be an unsuccessful attempt at comedy. Not worth your time.


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