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Loki (2021)

The God of mischief strikes again, Loki has brought us one of the best mini series on Disney +. The utter genius of plot and character development is truly refreshing and opens up the marvel cinematic universe to a new level. Getting to see this side character navigate his own story and ultimately become one of the best anti-villains in the marvel universe and the main character of his own life is magical. Loki has always been a fan favourite but personally I never thought we got to see enough of him but now we know everything and we cannot help but love his character arc. From evil to loveable,

Loki never fails to surprise us… this series had its highs and lows but let’s be honest, it’s mostly highs. From beginning to end this six part series had us gripped on a complex journey, firstly Loki trying to overthrow the TVA, then gaining and conscious after meeting Sylvie and the two working together to end the TVA’s lies and deceptions. Then ultimately introducing us to the next Thanos eque villain in the MCU which personally blows my mind. This series kept topping itself each episode, introducing more Loki’s, infiltrating another corporation and trying time and time again to uncover the truth. This series has made Loki a hero and there is no denying that, he has finally had a full character journey that I think he so deserves.

Although I could rave about this series endlessly, I will say the final episode didn’t particularly round off the season, I felt confused and left in the dark by the introduction of Kang the Conqueror’ and I needed more! Is there going to be a second season? Well Disney couldn’t have even more on the nose with that mid credit scene in episode six it implied Loki may be back sooner than we think and thank god (of mischief)!

Loki is by far one of the most intriguing series‘ Disney plus has made. The attention to detail and dedication to portraying Loki’s story is commendable, every aspect was perfected and tailored a specifically for Loki fans. I found this show to merge styles of comedy and drama brilliantly, marvel movies always have a specific style of comedy, very sarcastic and tongue in cheek and thank goodness this comedic style was brought through in Loki. I couldn’t have asked for a better portrayal of this sly character, Tom Hiddleston is Loki, every line, every facial expression, everything is utter perfection and he truly knows this character inside and out. Overall,

Loki lived up to all my expectations and more, I thought this show captured his essence and allowed us to see a new side to this character, and ultimately fall in love.


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