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The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on the Run (2020)

Sometimes the movies you least expect to impress you, surprise you. I have always been a fan of Spongebob from a young age and as I have grown up I have come to appreciate the adult humour seamlessly written into the episodes and movies. So, you can imagine my excitement when I learnt a brand new Spongebob movie was added to Netflix, Spongebob in 2020, I couldn’t ask for more!

The storyline is simple, yet effective; Spongebob’s pet snail Gary is snail-napped and it is Spongebob’s job to save his friend before it is too late. With the help of Patrick Starr, the two set off to the lost city of Atlantic City to confront the King and bring Gary home. This is a family friendly, fun animated movie filled with laughs beginning to end.

If you are a fan of the original cartoon and movies you’ll be intrigued to know the animation within this movie is different but it works incredibly well, believe it or not but I actually preferred the newer animation. I found this version to be fresh in comparison to the television show I grew up on, often when a cartoon is adapted for modern audiences some of the charm is lost but for Spongebob absolutely nothing was missing. Spongebob is the same happy go lucky, silly sponge we all know and love, despite the HD animation. Of course, this movie is not especially gripping or mysterious, at the end of the day we all know this is a child's cartoon and everything is going to be back to normal by the end but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the journey. This feature is a whopping one hour and thirty-five minutes long believe it or not, for a Spongebob movie that is a lot of time to sit down and listen to his piercing laugh but again I found myself truly enjoying the story and truly having a good time whilst watching.

Essentially, this review is not as impactful as some of my others. Unfortunately the Spongebob movie doesn’t necessarily evoke many emotions apart from joy, utter joy. I may sound dramatic but whilst living through a pandemic sometimes it is a perfect time to sit down and watch something fun for the sake of being fun. I personally have always thought Spongbob was created for adults and now, as an adult, I still think this movie was created for us to feel like children again! If you want to watch something easy, care free and something that will make you giggle, watch this movie. It is a really lovely, simplistic story that at a time like today its very nice to watch something reliable, nothing bad happens to Spongebob and that is somewhat encouraging.


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